Identifying energy savings in Nottingham

Identifying energy savings in Nottingham

In February of this year, with the support of East Midlands Chamber of Commerce, the Carbon Trust ran its 2nd successful Business Breakfast in Nottingham.

The breakfast, held at the Nottinghamshire Sustainability and Enterprise Centre, attracted 21 attendees across a range of sectors, including: healthcare, construction, management consultancy, engineering, IT, and scientific services 

The breakfast briefing covered: the important no-to-low cost energy saving opportunities that can be found in the office; the further support available from START2ACT; and local funding sources for energy efficiency and low carbon innovation.

The Carbon Trust looks forward to working with the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce to promote the next stage of START2ACT support to businesses in the area.

Young businesses can apply to receive one-on-one consultancy support from a Carbon Trust expert. The businesses will receive 3 site visits over the course of a year. The purpose of these visits is to help businesses to understand their energy use and make changes to reduce their energy bills. The format of these visits will be flexible to allow businesses to ask questions and solve any problems that they face when implementing energy saving projects.

Businesses taking part in START2ACT will receive an energy efficiency training pack, including energy saving tips and advice, easy-to-use energy management templates and checklists to track progress.


Businesses that would like to benefit from this free support, please email or register your interest here.

The next START2ACT breakfast briefing will be on 13 July in Peterborough. For further information and to sign up, visit this link:

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